Our success, our definition
Are you successful? If I ask you this question what’s your answer? One thing I care more is what’s your definition for success?
The reason I put these questions upfront because they have changed my life and make me look things so differently now. In the past I was “busy” with a job, buying so many things which I did not need, done so many things not making myself happy rather than sad.
Success to most of us mean we have reach to our goals. We need to set our goals based on what we desire, that will bring up fulfillment rather than burden. Each person has own value system, which may or may not same as someone else. That's like some people would like to spend quality time on their own and some other people enjoy good company, some people wanting to travel the world and some other people enjoy planting flowers in their garden. One person's vision of success probably looks nothing like yours, and that’s how interesting life is.
The path to success begins by asking yourself, What makes me happy? What truly matters to me? What are the things that set me on fire with passion? What do I want to make of my life? What lifestyle do I want to achieve? Who do I want to be? What do I want people to say about me after I die?
Being an accountant I talk to people about money, many people feel uncomfortable talking about it, and worried about people judge themselves if they want to achieve financial success, when we look deep into this is ultimately about how we want to spend the money, we can spend the money on holiday with love ones, make contribution to charity for good cause, afford of the lifestyle we desire.
It’s also important to understand that think success as a process rather than a destination. We may make many mistakes along the way, enjoy and learn from our mistakes, to quote Thomas A. Edison “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” Take everything we do as a learning and growing opportunity, then we will never fail.
Define what success mean to you, work towards it and enjoy the process.