Tips for dealing with Covid-19 lockdwon

Tips for dealing with Covid-19 lockdwon

We are on the 12th day of our Covid-19 lockdown, the unprecedented experience for all of us. Everyone and every business is affected by this event, here are some tips I put together to help you and myself to get though this and other tough situations.

1. Deal with facts not fiction.

In the middle of a tough time it is really easy to start freaking out based on our fear as opposed to what actually is. Separate the facts and fictions, the virus is deadly but there are precautions we can take to reduce our own risks of exposing to it.

2. Focus on things we can do.

During the lockdown time, there are many things we can’t do but at the same time there are many things we can do. Move our attention and frustration away from the things we have no control, focus on things we can do and able to control, take this time to re-evaluate our business and life, looking for helps. IRD and the Ministry of Social Development have put out relief and subsidy packages, also we can always help one another. Links are below

There are many free online yoga and workout videos try some. I can recommend some to you just let me know.

3. Build the stronger relationships with stakeholders.

It is a tough time for all, therefore to build stronger relationship with customers, suppliers and the community will help all. Communicate and engage with all parties. In the past couple weeks I’ve been talking so many of my clients to pass on the useful information, also I’ve been contacted by many services providers to keep me informed with their services.

4. Use this situation to rethink your business.

Tough times are crossroads in our business and they provide an opportunity to make hard decisions about what is working and what is not. This is the perfect time to stop and really reflect on your business and make the changes that deep down you know you need to make. I have been working from home and all the software I use are online based, many meetings have moved to online instead of face-to-face. In my case because the change is not sudden so it’s much easier and smoother.

6. Be prepared to try "NEW".

When what you are doing isn't working it makes sense to try something different. Now this sounds logical, yet I have watched so many businesses slowly go bust simply because they kept doing the same thing, right to the end. We have to be prepared to do new things, try ideas outside of our comfort zone and look to other for advice. These couple weeks all my meetings are on Zoom which is new but very good alternative too.

7. Invest in your business.

This is the very best time to invest in your business. Upgrade the website, putting out new blog post, come up with a new branding image, invest in new technology and really anything else that will make your business look more impressive and run more impressively.

8. Invest in yourself.

Just as I believe that it is an important time to invest in your business it is also an important time to invest in yourself. This means learning new skills through books, online training, mentoring, coaching, really whatever it takes. Do all those things you wanted to do when you didn’t have time.

9. Find someone to mentor you through the challenging times.

If you have someone who you admire and respect and who you know has been through a similar challenge, why not reach and ask for help. Be totally honest with them, tell them the problem, exactly how bad it is and what help you need. They can't be expected to take on your problem, but having them to talk to, and to offer advice on how they got through their own challenges could just prove invaluable.

10. Learn from the experience.

This can be such a cliche but it is true. No need to beating ourselves up for things we didn’t do earlier. Far better to take a step back and learn from the experience. Covid19 might be once in the lifetime experience but there are many other tough time ahead of this, use this experience prepare ourselves for the future.


The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they make the best of everything.

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